Microsoft prepared Browser Gazelle

In the middle of the competition browser the internet that increasingly heated up, the scientists Microsoft tried to vibrate the innovation browser just that was named Gazelle. Gazelle was promised will have fitur-fitur impressive. Browser this also was said safest from the bad program threat if compared with browser that was other. Quoted detikINET from Vnunet, on Tuesday (24/2/2009), Microsoft claimed that browser this had the development of the level of the significant security if compared with browser other including the Explorer Internet (IE) or Firefox. "Not there is browser including that berarsitektur just had the construction" of the "operation system multi the" Principal "that made browser had the exclusive control to protect all the systems," explained Microsoft about Gazelle. Gazelle could it was claimed determine the traffic cleverly and directly reacted in the bad program threat. At this time, browser this still was in the prototype stage and did not yet have the plan from Microsoft to launch him.

source: detiknet

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2 komentar to “Microsoft prepared Browser Gazelle”
Anonymous said...

iya....enakan Mozilla Firefox !!!!

salam kenal...

balas koment yah !!!

just4share said...

Fanatikan oldstuff neh :)

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