Tools your need
-Password stealer(Here im using IStealer 5.0.1)
-Anonymous email(
-Uploaded link(Use Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire)
FUD crypter(To make your virus Undetectable!)
Follow this steps
Step 1:
Register at
Step 2:
Go to UserCP.
Click "Create/delete MySQL database"
Name the database what you want, it will include your username.
In this example my username will be "example".
I have named my database "example_db"
Press "Create Database"
Now for the user, I have named mine "example_user"
Password can be anything, mine will be "passw0rd"
Press "Create User"
For Assign Priviledges, make sure the user and database are selected on the list.
When all boxes are ticked, press "Assign Priviledges"
Step 3:
Download iStealer v5.0.1.Clean
Step 4:
Open \iStealer5.1\PHP Logger\index.php and edit the configuration information.
All of the information is commented at the side, it's clear what it is. Leave localhost.
Step 5:
At, go to "File manager" then UserCP and upload "index.php & style.css"
After this, your iStealer is set up,
Log in there to view your logs. Simple enough.
Step 6:
Open iStealer 5.0.1 and fill in all of the necessary information.
The "Url" will be
Step 7:
Create your virus
Step 8(Optional):
Then find and download FUD crypter to make your virus undetectable!
After you did all the steps from step 1 to step 7 or step 8
then upload your virus to
rapid*share or another
After your upload it, copy your virus link
then go to
Write to your victim that he/she had won $100 and then they need to download a program,which is your virus, in order to get the prize(Be creative)
The copy and paste your virus link at the email and then send it to your victim.
NOTE: Before your extract the file please turn off your anti-virus, because most of the anti-virus will detect this as a trojan. The trojan is part of the program, this is a virus-making tool and if a virus-making tool have no virus then its NOT a virus-making tool!So i suggest you to turn off your anti-virus when ever you wanna make your virus.
iStealer 5.1 + Tutorial
just4share, Saturday, November 28, 2009
Free Software
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need a fud crypter !!